Is Weed Legal In Italy For Tourists?

“Is Weed Legal In Italy?” is something you might be wondering if you are planning to travel to Italy so that you don’t run into any unexpected legal issues. In the United States the Cannabis laws are changing around the country at a rapid, albeit inconsistent pace, so this guide will help plan your visit.

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My views are less about the pros and cons of cannabis, but more important is the respect that you give to the laws of the country that you are visiting. Being a good traveler and a respectful guest in your host country will go a long way to making sure you have an enjoyable experience.

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Even though this topic is serious, from socio-economic, financial and criminal justice perspectives, understanding how it is viewed in Italy will help you get a better handle on the cultural differences. I hope you will indulge me a little because to me it is also a funny topic with a long history of jokes and cultural references that seem useful to lighten what can be a fairly dry subject.

Is Weed Legal In Italy?

In other words, can you “blaze up a doobie” in Italy? For those of you not familiar with this term (i.e. you aren’t super old), the question is: “Can I smoke, or otherwise consume, cannabis (canapa) recreationally in Italy?” The answer, like most things, is: “No, not really.” It is not permitted in Italy to buy and sell cannabis for recreational use. One exception are products with low HTC levels, which is typically for industrial use.

Is Weed Legal In Italy - So Many Products

In addition to Italy, no national government in Europe supports legalization of the sale of cannabis for recreational use and all countries have prison sentences for the illegal supply. However, there have been several proposed laws to national parliaments in the last few years and some initiatives in regions or cities that were rejected at national level.

Can I Get Baked If I Have A Medical Condition (i.e. Is Marijuana Legal In Italy)?

Again, if you are under fifty and didn’t understand the question, more clearly stated: “Is Medical Marijuana available in Italy?” The answer here is more clear: Yes. It has been legal since 2013 to use Medical Marijuana in Italy. Interestingly, the Italian Military is allowed to manufacture medicines and raw materials based on the cultivated cannabis plants from companies approved by the Ministry of Defense at their plant in Florence.

Is Weed Legal In Italy - Cannabis Stores
Cannabis Stores In Rome

In Sicily, the region pays the costs incurred by patients who use cannabis for therapeutic use. The drug will be free for patients suffering from chronic and neuropathic pain and multiple sclerosis spasticity, and who will go to public health facilities. It is up to the doctors of the regional public health authorities who specialize in anesthesia and resuscitation, neurology and pain therapy to prescribe cannabis therapy to patients for a maximum duration of six months.

Why Do I See Roaches All Over The Ground?

In Italy, it is very common to see people Rolling Bones (i.e. rolling a cigarette) as you walk around the streets. You would typically see this when someone was rolling a joint in the US, but in Italy it is a little different. The “roaches” you see on the ground (i.e. cigarette butts, not cockroaches) are usually from people rolling their own tobacco cigarettes.

Is Weed Legal In Italy - Pipes and Parts
Pipes and Parts

The use of loose tobacco in Italy for people who roll their own (RYO) cigarettes continues to grow. In addition to being cheaper, some people also seemed to think they are less harmful than manufactured smokes. Younger people in particular seem to prefer homemade cigarettes.

What Are Those Cannabis Stores In Rome?

If you walk around Rome, you will undoubtedly notice what look like stores selling cannabis legally and be wondering: “What’s up with that?”. These stores, that are operating legally, give you the impression that they are selling products with THC, but in reality they are selling cannabidiol (CBD) infused products like gums, chocolate and tea, as well as the Light Cannabis Flowers that I mentioned above. These have a THC content of .05%, or lower, but go by the familiar names of Sativa and Indica.

Is Weed Legal In Italy - More Products

When Can I “Wake And Bake” Legally In Italy?

If you are wondering when the laws about recreational marijuana use in Italy, or in Europe, will change, this is a fluid topic, even if it is a little less dynamic than in the US. A couple years back there was a referendum proposed that would legalize growing of the Wacky Tabacky for personal use, as well as decriminalizing selling small amounts, but the court rejected this referendum because it would run afoul of multiple international obligations. In other words, the European Union regulations would need to change first.

Not surprisingly, right-wing extremist, head of the anti-immigration League party and now a member of the coalition government in Italy, Matteo Salvini, was against the referendum and trotted out well debunked (but still heavily used) lie that liberalizing laws regarding recreational use of cannabis would encourage the use of both soft and hard drugs.

Is Weed Legal In Italy - CBD Available In Rome
CBD Is Available In Rome

Is Europe Changing Their Weed Policy?

The good news is that while all European Union Member States treat possession of marijuana for personal use as an offense, over one third do not allow prison as a penalty for minor offenses. In many of the countries where the law allows imprisonment for low-level cannabis possession, national guidelines advise against it. This is a dynamic topic that changes frequently. To keep up to date, you may consider checking in with the European Union Cannabis policy updates.

In Germany, a law was being proposed as recently as last month in which adults would not be punished if they buy or possess up to 20 grams of cannabis. Additionally, cannabis would only contain up to 15% of the active ingredient THC and only a maximum of 10% if sold to people between the ages of 18 and 21. Cannabis shops will also have to pay a special fee and cannot be located near schools or facilities for young people.

In France, in early 2021, A regional councilor of Nouvelle-Aquitaine and a member of the ruling majority party (LREM), wrote:

“While twenty-one countries in the European Union have already made significant progress, and often legislated in the direction of legalizing medical cannabis, on this social debate which is economic as well as health and human, it is time for France to move forward. I say this as a local elected official and as an anesthetist-resuscitator nurse.”

Is Weed Legal In Italy - Amsterdam In Rome
Amsterdam In Rome

The Culture Of Recreational Activities In Italy

The attitudes and laws about cannabis and THC are changing around the world, including in Europe and Italy in particular, so you should stay informed about it if this is something that you are passionate about. Regarding “Is Weed Legal In Italy?”, you should leave it at home and enjoy your travels safely and legally.

Here are some more articles on Italian culture:

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